Sunday, November 20, 2011

macro programming language


Image's built-in macro programming language can be used to automate complex or repetitive tasks. Macros are similar to Pascal procedures, except the procedure keyword is replaced by "macro" and the procedure heading is a text string that becomes a command in the Special menu when the macro is loaded. Macros are stored in text files that may also contain Pascal-like functions and procedures. Macros files are created and edited using Image's built-in text editor. The best way to learn how to write your own macros is by studying and customizing the many example macros distributed with Image in the Macros folder.
The documentation provided here assumes the reader has some Pascal programming experience. If this is not the case, you will probably need to read an introductory Pascal text book such as "Programming in Pascal" by Peter Grogono, or "Oh! Pascal" by Doug Cooper and Michael Clancy. There is also an "alternative" macro reference manual available from
Here is an example macro file containing one macro and a function called by that macro. You can try the macro by copying the indented text to the Clipboard, pasting it into a blank NIH Image text window, selecting "Load Macros from Window" from the Special menu, and then selecting "Do Exponentiation... [P]" from the Special menu.
{Example macro file.} {Comments go between curly braces.} var x,y,z: integer; {Global variables} function Power(x, n: real): real; {raise x to the nth power} begin power := exp(ln(x) * n); end; macro 'Do Exponentiation... [P]'; var base, ex: real; begin base := GetNumber('Base:', 2); ex := GetNumber('Exponent:', 5); PutMessage(power(base, ex):6:3); end;
Global variables (optional) are defined at the beginning of the file before any functions, procedures or macros. Text within curly braces ({ }) is treated as a comment. Macro files cannot be larger than 32K.
The text in quotes following the keyword Macro is passed unchanged to the Macintosh Menu Manager, becoming a new command at the bottom of the Special menu. Macros may be assigned to keys by enclosing the key character in brackets. For example, you can execute the "Do Exponentiation..." macro by pressing the "P" key. Use "F1", "F2", etc. to assign macros to function keys. A few characters ( ';', '^', '!','<', '/', '(' ) have special meaning to the Menu Manager, and should normally be avoided. You can use / to assign a command key equivalent to a macro, e.g., 'Test Macro /6'. Use '(-' as the name of an empty macro to create a dividing line in the Special menu.
Functions and procedures may not be nested inside other functions and procedures, or inside macros. However, unlike Pascal, variables declared in a calling procedure or macro are made available to a called procedure. Function and procedure names must be unique in the first twelve characters.

Key Words



+ - * / DIV MOD := 
= < > <> <= >= AND OR NOT


Both integer and real variables are stored internally in extended precision real format, which has a range of 1.9 x 10-495 to 1.1 x 10 4932 and 19-20 digits precision. Real numbers are automatically converted (by rounding) to integer without warning as needed. Strings have a maximum length of 255 characters and string comparisons are case insensitive. Variable names must be unique within the first twelve characters.

Built-in Arrays 

Several one-dimensional arrays are predefined. User-defined arrays, however, are not supported. Measurement results can be accessed using arrays named rArea, rMean, rStdDev, rX , rY , rMin , rMax , rLength ,rMajor , rMinor , and rAngle . These arrays use indexes ranging from 1 to Max Measurements, where the value of Max Measurements can be changed in the Options dialog box. Use the rCount function to get the value of the current measurement counter and SetCounter(n) to change it.

Two predefined arrays (rUser1 and rUser2 ) can be used to record and display derived results. Unlike the other results arrays, rUser1 and rUser2 are reserved for use by macros, and are never written to by any of the commands in Image . The column headings used for User1 and User2 can be set from within macros using the routines SetUser1Label ('Label') and SetUser2Label ('Label). After computing a derived result, useUpdateResults to redisplay the last line in the results table or ShowResults to redisplay the entire table. Use SetCounter to control the number of lines displayed by ShowResults. Several example macros distributed withImage (in "Measurement Macros") use these arrays to display derived results.

Histogram values are available using the read-only array Histogram, which accepts indexes in the range 0 to 255. For example, after using Measure, histogram[0] returns the number of white pixels.

Three built-in read/write arrays(RedLUTGreenLUT, and BlueLut) provide access to the video lookup table (LUT) associated with each open image. These arrays use indexes in the range 0-255 and return intensity values in the range 0-255. Use the UpdateLUT command to redraw the LUT window using newly modified LUT array values. Several macros (in "LUT Macros") that use these arrays are distributed with Image, including a macro to export the current LUT as a text file, macros to load various functions into the LUT, a macro to plot the current LUT, and a macro to load a grayscale step function ("Posterize") into the LUT.

The built-in array LineBuffer provides access to the internal line buffer used by GetRow, PutRow, GetColumn and PutColumn. LineBuffer uses indexes in the range of 0-4095 and returns pixel values in the range 0-255. Using GetRow, LineBuffer[x] and PutRow to do pixel-by-pixel processing is up to twice as fast as using GetPixel and PutPixel, but is still at least 100 time slower than using compiled code.

The X-Y coordinates of the current selection are available from within macros using the built-in arrays xCoordinates[n] and yCoordinates[n]. The number of coordinates can be obtained using the macro function nCoordinates. The coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the selection's bounding rectangle. For an example, look at the macro "Plot X-Y Coordinates" in "Plotting Macros".

A four element built-in array (Scion) allows access to the Scion LG-3's I/O registers. The four elements are defined as follows:
Scion[1]   8-bit DAC(A)         read/write
Scion[2]   8-bit DAC(B)         read/write
Scion[3]   8-bit Control Reg 1  read only
Scion[4]   4 digital out bits   read/write

Example macros for setting and reading the LG-3 I/O registers are available in the file "Video".

The data values generated by the PlotProfile and GetPlotData macro commands are stored in a built-in real array named PlotData, which uses indexes in the range 0-4095. The macro "Plot Profile" in "Plotting Macros" illustrates how to use GetPlotData and PlotData.

Here is a summary of the built-in arrays. 
  Name            Index Range    Value Range      Permission

results arrays   1 - Max Meas.   real            read/write
Histogram        0 - 255         pos. integer    read only
RedLUT           0 - 255         0 - 255         read/write
GreenLUT         0 - 255         0 - 255         read/write
BlueLUT          0 - 255         0 - 255         read/write
LineBuffer       0 - 4095        0 - 255         read/write
xCoordinates     1 - 10000       real            read only
yCoordinates     1 - 10000       real            read only
Scion            1 - 4           0 - 255         varies
PlotData         0 - 4095        real            read only

Built-in Commands and Functions 

The macro language has more than 200 built-in commands and functions. Macro commands corresponding to menu commands are listed below under the heading for the appropriate menu. Note that ROI means Region of Interest.

File Menu 

MakeNewWindow('Name')Creates a new image window. Use SetNewSize to specify the size of the new window.
SetNewSize(width,height)Specifies width and height of new image windows.
NewTextWindow('Name',w,h)Creates a new text window with the title 'Name' . W and h 
(optional) specify the width and height of the new window.
Open('File Name')Opens the specified image file.
SetImport('string')Set various file Import options, where string contains some combination of: 'TIFF', 'DICOM', 'MCID', 'Palette', 'Text', 'Custom', '8-bits', '16-bits Unsigned', '16-bits Signed', 'Swap Bytes', 'Auto-Scale', Fixed Scale', 'Calibrate', 'Open All' and 'Invert'. Variables not listed are reset to their default values (TIFF, 8-bits, no byte swapping, auto-scaling, no calibration, etc.). 
SetCustom(width,height,offset,slices)Specifies the width , height , offset , and number of slices for imported files. The slices argument is optional.
SetImportMinMax(min,max)Disables auto-scaling and fixes the range for imported 16-bit images and images in text (ASCII) format.
Import('File Name')Imports the specified file using parameters specified by SetImport, SetCustom and SetImportMinMax.
CloseCloses the active image, text, profile plot, Histogram or Results window.
DisposeSimilar to Close, but user is never prompted to save changes.
DisposeAllCloses all open image windows without prompting to ask if changes should be saved.
SaveResaves the contents of the current image or text window.
SaveAllSaves all open image windows.
SetSaveAs('mode')Sets various file Save options, where 'mode' is one of: 'TIFF', 'RGB TIFF', 'PICT', MacPaint', 'PICS', 'LUT' or 'Outline'.
SaveAs('name')Saves the current image using the specified file name. Use SetSave to specify the format. Uses the window title as the file name when saving a text file or if SaveAs is used with no argument. When saving images, the dialog box should only be displayed the first time SaveAs is called within a macro. For both image and text windows, 'name ' can be a full folder path (e.g., 'HD400:Images:MyImage'). In this case, no dialog box is displayed.
SetExport('mode')Sets various file Export options, where mode is one of: 'Raw', 'MCID', 'Text', 'LUT', 'Measurements', 'Plot Values', Histogram Values' or 'XY Coordinates'
Export('name')Use SetExport to specify what to export. Similar to SaveAs, the dialog box is not displayed more than once per macro and full folder paths are allowed. 
RevertToSavedRestores the the previously saved version of the current image from disk.
Duplicate('Window Title')Creates a new image window using the specified name and copies the contents of the current selection to the new window.
GetInfoCreates a new image window that displays information about the current image window.
Acquire('Plug-in Name')Loads and runs a Photoshop compatible acquisition plug-in. The plug-in is assumed to be in the Plug-ins folder.
CallExport('Plug-in Name')Loads and runs the specified export plug-in.
PrintPrints the active image (or selection), text, Plot, Results or Histogram window.

Edit Menu 

UndoReverses the effect of the last undoable operation.
CopyCopies contents of the current ROI to the Clipboard.
CopyResultsCopies measurement results to Clipboard.
PastePastes into current ROI if Clipboard object and ROI have the same dimensions, otherwise, pastes into center of image.
PasteLivePastes "live" from video (frame grabber) source into a selection. Note that the destination window cannot be larger that the Camera window.
ClearErases current ROI to background color.
FillFills current ROI with foreground color.
InvertInverts image or ROI, i.e., value = 255 - value for all pixels in the image or ROI.
DrawBoundaryOutlines current ROI using foreground color. Use SetLineWidth to control width of outline.
DrawScaleDraws a grayscale ramp in the current rectangular ROI.
SelectAllCreates a rectangular ROI consisting of the entire image.
SetScaling('string')Sets ScaleAndRotate options, where string contains some combination of: 'Nearest', 'Bilinear', 'New Window', 'Same Window' or 'Interactive'.
ScaleAndRotate(xscale,yscale,angle)Scales and/or rotates the current rectangular ROI, where 0.05 <= xscale ,yscale <= 25.0 and -180 <= angle <= 180.
RotateLeft(b)Rotates the current image or rectangular ROI counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Creates a new window if b is true.
RotateRight(b)Rotates the current image or rectangular ROI clockwise 90 degrees. Creates a new window if b is true.
FlipVerticalVertically inverts the current rectangular image or ROI.
FlipHorizontalHorizontally inverts the current rectangular image or ROI.

Options Menu 

InvertLUTInverts the video look-up table.
SetPalette(string, ExtraColors)Loads a new look-up table, where string is one of: 'Grayscale', 'PseudoColor', 'System Palette', 'Rainbow' or 'Spectrum'. ExtraColors (optional) is the number (0-6) of LUT entries reserved for extra colors.
SetFont('Font name')Specifies the typeface used for drawing text, where 'Font Name' is 'Geneva', 'Monaco', 'Helvetica', 'Times', etc.
SetFontSize(size)Sets font size in points, where 6<=size <=720.
SetText(string)Specifies text style, where string contains some combination of: 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Outline', 'Shadow', 'Left Justified', 'Right Justified', 'Centered', 'No Background' or 'With Background'.
ScaleConvolutions(b)Sets or resets Scale Convolutions flag in Preferences, whereb =true or false.
InvertY(b)Invert Y-coordinates if b is true.
SetPlotLabels(b)Specifies whether ot not profile plots are to be labeled, where, b=true or false.
SetPlotScale(min,max)Set min and max to zero for auto-scaling.
SetPlotSize(width,height)Set width and height to zero for auto-sizing of plots.
SetThreshold(level)Sets the threshold, where 0 <= level <= 255. SetThreshold(-1) disables thresholding.
AutoThresholdSet threshold level to an automatically determined value.
SetDensitySlice(lower,upper)Sets the lower and upper threshold levels, where 1 <= lower ,upper <= 254. SetDensitySlice(255,255) enables density slicing without changing the levels. SetDensitySlice(0,0) disables density slicing.
GetThresholds(lower,upper)In density slicing mode, returns the lower and upper thresholds. In thresholding mode, lower is set to the threshold and upper is set to 255. Otherwise, both are set to zero.
PropagateLUTPropagates current LUT to all other open images.
PropagateSpatialPropagates current spatial calibration to all other open images.
PropagateDensityPropagates current density calibration to all other open images.

Process Menu

Filter('name')Runs the specified filter, where 'name' is one of the following: 'smooth', 'smooth more', 'sharpen', 'sharpen more', 'find edges' (or 'sobel'), 'median', 'max', 'min' or 'dither'. 
Shadow('direction')Set 'direction' (optional) to 'N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W' or 'NW'.
Convolve('Kernel file name')Note that the name can be a directory path such as 'HD80:Image:Kernels:Smooth'.
CallFilter('name')Runs the specified filter plug-in, which is assumed to be in the Plug-ins folder.
MakeBinaryConverts the current grayscale image to binary.
ErodeRemoves pixels from the edges of objects.
DilateAdds pixels to the edges of objects.
SetBinaryCount(n)See description of Set Count command.
OutlineGenerates one pixel wide object outlines.
SkeletonizeReduces objects to single pixel wide skeletons.
binary('edm')Generates a Euclidian distance map (EDM).
binary('ultimate points')Generates the ultimate eroded points (UEPs) of the EDM. Requires a binary image.
binary('watershed')Separates touching convex particles.
AddConstant(n)Adds n to the current image or rectangular selection, where -255 <= n <= 255.
MultiplyByConstant(n)Multiplies the current image or rectangular selection by n , where 0.0 <= n <= 255.0.
ImageMath('op',pic1,pic2,scale,offset,result)Where 'op' is one of 'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'and', 'or', 'xor', 'min', 'max' or 'copy'. Add the keyword 'real' (e.g. 'add real') to generate a 32-bit real result. Pic1 and pic2 are pic numbers or pid numbers. ImageMath performs the specified operation, the result is multiplied by scale , offset is added and, if real wasn't specified, the final result is clipped to 8-bits. The arithmetic operation is performed in the upper left corner of each image using the largest common rectangle. Result can be either a string or a pid number. If it's a string, a window with that name is created to store the result, otherwise the result is stored in the image specified by the pid number. 
FFT('foreward')Generates a Fourier transform of a square, power of two size image. The image can be either 8-bit or real. For real images, the transformation is done in-place.
FFT('inverse')Does an in-place inverse transform with black or white reqions in the 8-bit power spectrum used as a mask to generate a filter. Duplicates the behavior of the "Inverse FFT" menu command.
FFT('inverse with mask')Same as FFT('inverse').
FFT('inverse with filter')Uses the 8-bit grayscale component of the FFT window as a filter that the frequency domain image is multiplied by prior to retransformation. This means that the power spectrum must be replaced by a grayscale filter before retransformation. The "High Pass" and "Low Pass" macros in "FFT Macros" use this variation of the FFT command.
FFT('inverse without filter')No masking or filtering is done before retransformation.
FFT('Display Power Spectrum')Recomputes the power spectrum.
FFT('Swap Quadrants')Swaps quadrants 1 and 3 and quadrants 2 and 4 of the current 8-bit image.
SubtractBackground('str',radius)Where 'str' is one of: '1D Horizontal', '1D Vertical', '2D Rolling Ball' or '2D Remove Streaks'. Add 'faster' to 'str' (e.g. '2D Rolling Ball (faster)') for faster operation.
ApplyLUTTransforms the pixel data using the current look-up table.
EnhanceContrastDoes a histogram stretch on the LUT. Does not alter pixel values.
EqualizeHistogramPerforms histogram equalization based on the current selection. Pixel values are not altered.
ChangeValues(v1,v2,v3)Changes pixels with a value in the range v1 -v2 to v3.

Analyze Menu

MeasureResults are stored in the results arrays rArea[], rMean[], etc. and in the Histogram[] array.
GetResults(n,mean,mode,min,max)Use after Measure. Returns the pixel count, the mean pixel value, the most frequently occuring pixel value, and the minimum and maximum pixel values. Values are always uncalibrated. Use cValue function to calibrate them.
AnalyzeParticles('options')Does particle analysis, where 'options' (optional) contains some combination of 'label', 'outline', 'ignore', 'include' and 'reset'. Any option not listed is disabled. Use "AnalyzeParticles('dialog')" to display the dialog box using the existing settings.
SetParticleSize(min,max)Particles smaller than minimum (pixels) and larger than maximum (pixels) will be ignored by AnalyzeParticles.
ShowResultsDisplays the Results window.
ShowHistogramGenerates a density histogram and displays it in the Histogram window.
RestoreRoiSame as the Restore Selection menu command.
MarkSelectionSame as the Label Selection menu command.
SetOptions('string')Specifies meaurement options as listed in the Options dialog box. 'String' should contain some combination of 'Area', 'Mean', 'Std. Dev.', 'X-Y Center', 'Mode', 'Perimeter' (or 'Length'), 'Major', 'Minor', 'Angle', 'Int. Den.', 'Min/Max', 'User1' or 'User2'. Any variable not listed is disabled. 
Redirect(b)Enables/disables redirected sampling. b =true or false.
IncludeInteriorHoles(b)Enables/disables "Interior Holes" option. b =true or false.
WandAutoMeasure(b)Sets the "Wand Auto-Measure" flag in Measurement/Options. b =true or false.
AdjustAreas(b)Sets the "Adjust Areas" flag in Measurement/Options. b =true or false.
SetPrecision(digits,fwidth)Specifies the format of displayed results, were digits is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point and fwidth (optional) is the field width.
GetScale(scale,unit,AspectRatio)Returns the number of pixels per unit of measurement in the real variable scale , the unit of measurement in the string variable unit , and (optional) the pixel aspect ratio in the real variable AspectRatio . For uncalibrated images, scale and AspectRatio are set to 1.0 and unit to 'pixel'.
SetScale(scale,'unit',AspectRatio)Scale is the number of pixels per unit of measurement. Set 'Unit' to 'nm', ' m', 'mm', 'cm', 'meter', 'km', inch', 'ft', 'mile' or 'pixel' or use an arbitrary unit up to 11 characters in length. AspectRatio (optional) is the x/y pixel aspect ratio. Us SetScale(0,'pixel') to disable spatial calibration and SetScale(0,'') to activate the Set Scale dialog box.
Calibrate('fit', 'unit', m1, k1, m2, k2, ...)'fit' is one of 'straight', 'poly2', 'poly3', 'poly4', 'exp', 'power', 'log', 'rodbard', 'uncalibrated' or 'uncalibrated od'. 'unit' is the unit of measurement, m1 , m2 , etc. are the measured values and k1 , k2 , etc. are the known values. For example, "Calibrate('Straight', 'Invert', 0, 255, 255, 0)" sets up a simple inverting function. Use "Calibrate('Uncalibrated OD')" to enable uncalibrated OD and "Calibrate('Uncalibrated')" to disable calibration.
PlotProfileGenerates a gray scale profile plot of the current rectangular selection or line selection.
GetPlotData(count,ppv,min,max)Performs the equivalent of PlotProfile and returns the results in the built-in PlotData array. Count is the number of values, ppv is the number of pixels averaged for each value, and min and max are the minimum and maximum values.
SurfacePlotCreates a surface plot of the current image. Use SetNewSize to specify the size of the plot.
ResetCounterSets the measurement counter to zero.

Special Menu 

StartCapturingStarts "live" video capture. 
StopCapturingStops "live" video capture.
CaptureCaptures and displays a single video frame.
AverageFrames('str',frames)Averages or integrates video frames.'str' is some combination of 'Average', 'Integrate', 'Video Rate Capture' and 'On-chip' and frames is the number of frames. Any option not specified is disabled. Set frames to zero to display the Average Frames dialog box. 
SetVideo('string',gain,offset)Where 'string' is some combination of 'Invert, 'Highlight', 'Oscillating', 'Trigger', 'Blind' or 'Separate'. Any option not specified is disabled. Gain and Offset (optional) are integers in the range 0-255.
SetChannel(channel)Sets the video input channel, where channel=1, 2, 3, or 4.
PhotoMode(b)Set b true to enable "Photo Mode" and false to disable it.

Stacks Menu

AddSliceAdds a slice following the current slice.
DeleteSliceDeletes the current slice.
MakeMovie('str',frames,interval)Captures a sequence of video frames to a stack. 'str' is some combination of 'blind', 'buffer', 'time stamp', 'existing', 'trigger first', 'trigger each', and 'dialog'. Frames is the number of frames to capture, and interval is the interval between frames in seconds. See the "Movie Making" macro file for examples.
AverageSlicesAverages all the slices in the current stack.
Capture ColorCapures a 24-bit RGB color image.
RGBToIndexed('string')Converts a 3-slice RGB stack to an 8-bit image with color LUT. 'String' contains some combination of 'System LUT', 'Existing LUT', 'Custom LUT' and 'Dither'. Custom LUT and Dither are the defaults.
IndexedToRGBConverts an 8-bit color image to a 3-slice RGB stack.
SetProjection('string',n)Specifies 3D projection variables, where n is integer and 'string' is one of the following: 'Initial Angle', 'Total Rotation', 'Rotation Increment', 'Surface Opacity', 'Surface Depth-Cueing' or 'Interior Depth-Cueing'. Use SetDensitySlice to set the transparency bounds.
SetProjection('string',b)Set projections flags, where b is boolean (true or false) and 'string' is either 'Save Projections' or 'Minimize Size'.
SetProjection('string')Set projection options, where 'string' is one of: 'X-Axis', 'Y-Axis', Z-Axis, 'Nearest', 'Brightest', 'Mean Value'
ProjectDoes 3D projection of current stack. Dialog box is not displayed if SetProjection() has been called.
ResliceReslice stack along current line selection.

Windows Menu 

NextWindowSwitches to the next image window.
TileWindowsRepositions and resizes all open image windows so they don't overlap.
ShowPasteControlActivates the Paste Control window.

Miscellaneous Macro Commands 

AutoOutline(x,y)Equivalent to clicking with the wand tool at location x,y . The outline was successfully created if GetRoi returns a width greater than zero. 
BeepMakes a short sound. 
ChangeValues(v1,v2,v3)Changes the value of all pixels with a value in the range v1 -v2 to v3.ChoosePic(n)Selects then Nth image window without activating it. Faster than SelectPic but changes, if any, are not displayed. Also accepts PidNumbers (see description of PidNumber function).
ChooseSlice(n)Selects the Nth slice in a stack without displaying it. ChooseSlice is faster than SelectSlice but changes, if any, are not displayed. Use SelectSlice before exiting macro to make sure the stack is correctly displayed.
Exit('error message')Terminates execution of the macro and, optionally, displays an error message.
GetColumn(x,y,length)Copies a column of pixels from active image to the built-in LineBuffer array.
GetHistogram(left,top,w,h)Generates a density histogram of the specified rectangular ROI and stores it in the built-in histogram array.
GetLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth)Returns the starting coordinates, ending coordinates and width of current straight line selection. Sets x1 = -1 if there is no line selection.
GetMouse(x,y)Returns the current cursor location in local pixel coordinates.
GetPicSize(width,height)Returns, in pixels, the width and height of active image.
GetRoi(left,top,width,height)Returns ROI location and size in pixels. Sets width =0 if no ROI. Returns location and size of bounding rectangle for non-rectangular ROIs and for line selections.
GetRow(x,y,length)Copies a row of pixels from the active image to the bult-in LineBuffer array.
GetTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dayofweek)Returns the current date and time.
InsetRoi(delta)Shrinks or expands (if delta <0) the current ROI by delta.KillRoiDisables the current "marching ants" selection.
LineTo(x,y)Draws a line from current location to x,y .
MakeLineRoi(x1,y1,x2,y2)Creates a new straight line selection. The origin (0,0) is assumed to be the upper left corner of the image. Coordinates are in pixels but they can be real numbers.
MakeNewStack('name')Creates a new 1-slice stack. Use SetNewSize to specify the size.
MakeRoi(left,top,width,height)Creates a new rectangular selection. Left and top are the coordinates (in pixels) of the upper left corner of the ROI. The origin (0,0) of the coordinate system is the upper left corner of the image.
MakeOvalRoi(left,top,width,height)Creates an elliptical ROI, where left and top define the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle..
MoveRoi(dx,dy)Moves ROI right dx pixels and down dy pixels.
MoveTo(x,y)Sets the current drawing location. The origin is always assumed to be the upper left corner of the image.
MoveWindow(x,y)Moves current window to global screen coordinates x,y .
PlotXYZPlots XYZ coordinate data stored in a text file. See the example macro in "Plotting Macros".
PutColumn(x,y,length)Copies length pixels from the bult-in LineBuffer array to a column starting at x,y in the current image.
PutMessage('message')Displays 'message' in a dialog box. Like the Write routine, accepts multiple string and numeric arguments.
PutPixel(x,y,value)Stores value (an integer in the range 0-255) at location x,y . When storing a sequence of pixels, it's usually faster to store them in the built-in LineBuffer array and use PutRow to display the line.
PutRow(x,y,length)Copies length pixels from the built-in LineBuffer array to a row in the current image starting at x,y .
ResetGrayMapEquivalent to using the Options/Grayscale menu command or clicking on the reset icon in Map window.
SaveStateSaves foreground and background color, new window width and height, status of Invert Y flag, text attributes, and various ScaleAndRotate and SetScaling parameters. Use RestoreState to restore the saved settings.
ScaleMath(b)b =true or false. Sets or resets Scale Math flag in the Paste Control dialog box.
RequiresVersion(n)Aborts macro if Image version number is less than n, where n is a real number.
RestoreStateRestores settings saved by SaveState.
SelectPic(n)Activates the Nth image window. Also accepts PidNumbers (see description of PidNumber function).
SelectSlice(n)Displies the Nth slice of the current stack.
SelectTool(tool)Selects a tool from the tool palette, where tool is one of: 'magnifier', 'grabber', 'pencil', 'eraser', 'brush', 'drawline', 'paintbucket', 'profile', 'wand', 'angletool', 'rectangle', 'oval', 'polygon', 'freehand', 'straightline', 'freeline', 'segmentline', 'lut', 'text', 'spraycan', 'picker' or 'crosshair'.
SelectWindow('name')Activates the window with the title 'name'. 
SetCounter(n)Sets the measurement counter to n.SetCursor('shape')Changes the cursor shape, where 'shape' is 'watch', 'cross', 'arrow' or 'finger'.
SetForegroundColor(c)Sets the foregound color, where 0 <= c <= 255 (note that 0=white and 255=black).
SetBackgroundColor(c)Sets the background color, where 0 <= c <= 255.
SetLineWidth(width)Specifies the line width (in pixels) used by LineTo, DrawBoundary and MakeLineRoi.
SetUser1Label('Label')Replaces the label used for User 1 column in Results window. The maximum length of the label is 9 characters.
SetUser2Label('Label')Replaces the label used for User 2 column in Results window. The maximum length of the label is 9 characters.
SetPicName('Name')Renames the active image window.
SetOptionEquivalent to holding down option key while executing the immediately following macro command.
SetSliceSpacing(n)Sets the slice spacing (in pixels) used by the Reslice and Project commands.
ShowMessage('message')Displays 'message' in the Info window. Accepts multiple arguments in the same way the Write routine does. Use a back-slash ('\') to start a new line.
SortPaletteSorts the current LUT by hue.
UpdateResultsRedisplays the last measurement in Info and Results windows.
UpdateLUTRedisplays the LUT window.
UserCode('name',p1,p2,p3)Calls a user written Pascal routine, where 'name' is the name of the routine and p1 , p2 and p3 are real input parameters. See "Inside NIH Image" and the User.p source file for more information.
Wait(seconds)Delays for seconds seconds. Fractions of a second are allowed, e.g., wait(1.5).
WaitForTriggerWaits for an external trigger. Requires a QuickCapture or Scion frame grabber card. Use "repeat until button" to wait for a mouse down event.
Write(e1,e2,...)Draws text, variables, or constants in the current image at the current location. Like the Writeln procedure in Pascal, expressions may have optional field width specifications in the form e:f1:f2 (e.g., write('M=',mean:8:3), where f1 is the field width, and f2 specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Writeln(e1,e2,...)Similar to Write, but does the equivalent of a line feed and carriage return after displaying the specified values.

Miscellaneous Functions

AllSameSizeReturns true if all open images have the same dimensions.
ButtonReturns true if mouse button is down.
CalibratedReturns true if current image is density calibrated.
cValue(PixelValue)Converts a raw pixel value (an integer in the range 0-255) to a density calibrated value.
Get('FreeMem')Returns the total amount of free memory, in bytes.
Get('MaxBlock')Returns the size (in bytes) of the largest free memory block.
Get('MaxMeasurements')Returns the value of "Max Measurements".
Get('Offset')Returns the current frame grabber offset.
Get('Gain')Returns the current frame grabber gain.
Get('RoiType')Returns a code that specifies the current ROI type, where 0 = no ROI or no image, 1 = rectangle, 2 = oval, 3 = polygon, 4 = freehand, 5=traced, 6 = straight line, 7 = freehand line and 8 = segmented line.
Get('ScreenWidth')Returns the screen width in pixels.
Get('ScreenHeight')Returns the screen height in pixels.
Get('UndoBufSize')Returns size (in bytes) of the Undo and Clipboard buffers.
GetNumber('Prompt', default, d)Displays a dialog box and returns with the value entered. Prompt is the prompting string. Default is the default value. d (optional) is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (default is 2). Set d to zero to display an integer default value.
GetPixel(x,y)Returns the value of the pixel at x,y .
GetSliceSpacingReturns slice spacing (in pixels) of current stack.
KeyDown('key')Checks the state of the specified modifier key. 'key' is one of: 'option', 'shift' or 'control'. Returns TRUE if the specified key is down.
nCoordinatesReturns the number of XY coordinates used to define the current selection. The coordinates are stored in the xCoordinates[] and yCoordinates[] built-in arrays.
nPicsReturns number of image windows.
nSlicesReturns number of slices in current stack.
PicNumberReturns number (used by SelectPic) of the active image.
PidNumberReturns a negative permanent ID number for the current image. This number can be passed at a later time to SelectPic or ChoosePic to activate this image.
PidExists(pid)Returns TRUE if image with this PidNumber is still open.
rCountReturns current measurement counter value.
SliceNumberReturns number of current slice in a stack.
TickCountReturns the number of ticks (sixtieths of a second) since system last started.
WindowTitleReturns a string containing the title of the active window.

Math Functions

abs(n)Returns absolute value of n.arctan(n)Returns arctangent of (radians).
BitAnd(n1,n2)Returns n1 AND n2. 
BitOr(n1,n2)Returns n1 OR n2. 
cos(n)Returns cosine of (radians).
exp(n)Returns exponential of nln(n)Returns natural logarithm of n.odd(n)Returns TRUE if integer n is odd.
randomReturns a random number between 0 and 1.
round(n)Converts a real value to an integer with rounding.
sin(n)Returns sine of (radians).
sqr(n)Returns square of n.sqrt(n)Returns square root of n.trunc(n)Converts a real value to an integer with truncation.

Paste Control Related Commands 

DoCopy, DoAnd, DoOr, DoXor, DoReplace, DoBlend,Add, Subtract, Multiply, DivideThese commands are equivalent to clicking on the corresponding button in the Paste Control dialog box. The must be used immediately after the Paste command. Preceed DoCopy, DoAnd, etc. with SetOption to switch paste transfer modes, otherwise the operation is performed and the paste operation terminated. The foreground color is set to black and the background color to white unless SetOption is used. See the "More Macros" macro file for examples of how to use SetOption with these commands. Add, Subtract, Multiple and Divide only work with rectangular selections.

String Functions 

str:=GetString('Prompt','default')Displays a dialog box and returns with the string entered. The first argument is the prompting message and the second argument (optional) is the default input string.
str:=concat(str1, str2,...)Concatenates a series of strings. Will also convert one or more numbers to a string.
str:=chr(n)Converts a positive integer in the range 0..255 to a one character string (e.g. chr(65) = 'A').
Removes count characters from str, beginning at index.
GetFileInfo(FullPath, FileType, FileSize)
Returns information about the file specified by FullPath, a string containing a path name (e.g. 'HD500:Images:image01'). Returns the file type ('TIFF', 'PICT', 'TEXT' etc) in the string variable FileType and the file size in bytes in the integer variable FileSize. If the file isn't found, FileType is set to an empty string and FileSize is set to -1. See the 'File Paths Demo' macro in 'Input/Output Macros' for an example of how to use GetFileInfo.
path := GetPath('window')
Returns the folder path (e.g. 'HD500:Images:') of the current current image or text window. Returns an empty string if no window is open or the current window has no file associated it. The 'File Paths Demo' macro in 'Input/Output Macros' demonstrates how to use the GetPath functions.
path := GetPath('startup')
Returns the path of the folder from which NIH Image was started.
path := GetPath('pref')
Returns the path of the Preferences folder in the System Folder.
i:=length(str)Returns the length of str. 
n:=ord(str)Returns the ordinal number of the first character in a string (e.g. ord('A')=65). Returns -1 if the string is empty.
i:=pos(substr,str)Searches for substr within str and returns an integer that is the index of the first character of substr within str . Returns zero if substr is not found.
n:=StringToNum(str)Converts a string to a real number. Returns zero if the string contains no digits.
str:=WindowTitleReturns the title of the currently active window.

Serial I/O 

OpenSerial('Options')Sets up the modem port for serial I/O. 'Options' contains '300 baud', '1200 baud', '2400 baud', '9600 baud' or '19200 baud'; 'no parity', 'even parity' or 'odd parity'; 'seven data' or 'eight data'; 'One stop' or 'two stop'. The default is 9600 baud, no parity, eight data, one stop.
str:=GetSerialReturns the next available character in the serial (modem) input buffer as a one character string or returns an empty string if the buffer is empty.
PutSerial(str)Writes 'str' to the modem port. Like the Write routine, it accepts multiple arguments (e.g. PutSerial('v=',v:1:2)).

Multiple Arguments 

Note that routines that require a file name or window title (MakeNewWindow, MakeNewStack, Open, SaveAs, Import, Export, Duplicate and SetPicName) accept multiple arguments similar to the Write routine, except that numeric fields are left filled with zeros rather than spaces. As an example, SetPicName('PIC',n:2) result in window titles in the form 'PIC01', 'PIC02', 'PIC03', etc. Several other routines (PutMessage, ShowMessage, PutSerial, Concat) also accept multiple arguments.