Saturday, December 24, 2011

Computational economic lecture 26

Commodity Pricing Model

Corresponds to section 6.3 in EDTC
Presentation here is terse--see that section for details

Outline of the Model

Market for a commodity whose price at t is pt


Commodity is purchased by consumers and speculators (investors)
Consumers demand quantity D(p) corresponding to price p
The inverse demand function P is assumed to be continuous, decreasing, etc. (see EDTC)
Let It denote the quantity purchased by speculators at t
This quantity depreciates at rate α between periods


The quantity supplied to the market at time t is denoted Xt
The "harvest" of the commodity at time t is Wt
We assume that

Total supply is the sum of the harvest plus supply carry-over from speculation


As shown in the text, in equilibrium we have


The initial condition X0 is treated as given
Equilibrium prices and quantities are found by computing a pricing function
  • A function p of the state variable Xt
Analysis in the text shows that such a function is given by the p* that solves


Computing the Solution

To compute p we introduce the pricing function operator T*:
Let p be a guess of p*
Consider the new function on S constructed by associating to each x in S the real number r satisfying


We denote the new function by Tp, where Tp(x) is the r that solves this equation
It can be shown that this r exists, is unique, and, moreover,


The next listing implements this logic to compute Tp(x) from p and x
## Filename:
## Author: John Stachurski

from scipy import mean
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.optimize import brentq

alpha, a, c = 0.8, 5.0, 2.0                           
W = beta(5, 5).rvs(1000) * c + a   # Shock observations
D = P = lambda x: 1.0 / x   

def fix_point(h, lower, upper):
    """Computes the fixed point of h on [upper, lower] using SciPy's 
    brentq routine, which finds the zeros (roots) of a univariate function.
    Parameters: h is a function and lower and upper are numbers."""
    return brentq(lambda x: x - h(x), lower, upper)

def T(p, x):
    """Computes Tp(x), where T is the pricing functional operator.
    Parameters: p is a vectorized function (i.e., acts pointwise on 
    arrays) and x is a number."""
    y = alpha * mean(p(W))
    if y <= P(x): 
        return P(x)  
    h = lambda r: alpha * mean(p(alpha*(x - D(r)) + W))
    return fix_point(h, P(x), y)
Here we are assuming that

The listing corresponds to listing 6.7 in the text
Theorem: The operator T is a contraction mapping on the set

with the supremum metric. Moreover, p* is the unique fixed point.
Using the code in, compute an approximation to p*
  • Bear in mind that the functions are defined on S (see above)
  • Start your iteration at the inverse demand function P
  • Now iterate with T
    • Approximate at each step using linear interpolation
  • Iterate until supremum distance between successive iterates is < 0.005
Plot the sequence of iterates that results
Your plot should look like this

The smallest (lowest) function is the starting point P
import numpy as np
from lininterp import LinInterp
from cpdynam import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gridsize = 150
grid = np.linspace(a, 35, gridsize)
tol = 0.0005

vals = P(grid)
while 1:
    plt.plot(grid, vals, 'k-')
    p = LinInterp(grid, vals)
    f = np.vectorize(lambda x: T(p, x))
    new_vals = f(grid)
    if max(np.abs(new_vals - vals)) < tol:
    vals = new_vals