Friday, September 2, 2011

Dijikstra Algorithm C #

C# Dijkstra's algorithm implementation

I implemented Dijkstra's algorithm using C# for a Computer Science course. I implemented it in a generalized way, that still allows for optimization by the consuming code. I release the code under the MIT license.
Here is the code: (it is not as long as it is well-documented)
using System; 
  using System.Diagnostics; 
  using System.Collections.Generic; 
  using System.Text; 
  namespace VisualIntelligentScissors 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Implements a generalized Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate 
   /// both minimum distance and minimum path. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <remarks> 
   /// For this algorithm, all nodes should be provided, and handled 
   /// in the delegate methods, including the start and finish nodes. 
   /// </remarks> 
   public class Dijkstra 
   /// <summary> 
   /// An optional delegate that can help optimize the algorithm 
   /// by showing it a subset of nodes to consider. Very useful 
   /// for limited connectivity graphs. (like pixels on a screen!) 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="startingNode"> 
   /// The node that is being traveled away FROM. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// An array of nodes that might be reached from the  
   /// <paramref name="startingNode"/>. 
   /// </returns> 
   public delegate IEnumerable<int> NearbyNodesHint(int startingNode); 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Determines the cost of moving from a given node to another given node. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="start"> 
   /// The node being moved away from. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="finish"> 
   /// The node that may be moved to. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The cost of the transition from <paramref name="start"/> to 
   /// <paramref name="finish"/>, or <see cref="Int32.MaxValue"/> 
   /// if the transition is impossible (i.e. there is no edge between  
   /// the two nodes). 
   /// </returns> 
   public delegate int InternodeTraversalCost(int start, int finish); 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Creates an instance of the <see cref="Dijkstra"/> class. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="totalNodeCount"> 
   /// The total number of nodes in the graph. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="traversalCost"> 
   /// The delegate that can provide the cost of a transition between 
   /// any two nodes. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="hint"> 
   /// An optional delegate that can provide a small subset of nodes 
   /// that a given node may be connected to. 
   /// </param> 
   public Dijkstra(int totalNodeCount, InternodeTraversalCost traversalCost, NearbyNodesHint hint) 
   if (totalNodeCount < 3) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("totalNodeCount", totalNodeCount, "Expected a minimum of 3."); 
   if (traversalCost == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("traversalCost"); 
   Hint = hint; 
   TraversalCost = traversalCost; 
   TotalNodeCount = totalNodeCount; 
   protected readonly NearbyNodesHint Hint; 
   protected readonly InternodeTraversalCost TraversalCost; 
   protected readonly int TotalNodeCount; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// The composite product of a Dijkstra algorithm. 
   /// </summary> 
   public struct Results 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Prepares a Dijkstra results package. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="minimumPath"> 
   /// The minimum path array, where each array element index corresponds  
   /// to a node designation, and the array element value is a pointer to 
   /// the node that should be used to travel to this one. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="minimumDistance"> 
   /// The minimum distance from the starting node to the given node. 
   /// </param> 
   public Results(int[] minimumPath, int[] minimumDistance) 
   MinimumDistance = minimumDistance; 
   MinimumPath = minimumPath; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// The minimum path array, where each array element index corresponds  
   /// to a node designation, and the array element value is a pointer to 
   /// the node that should be used to travel to this one. 
   /// </summary> 
   public readonly int[] MinimumPath; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// The minimum distance from the starting node to the given node. 
   /// </summary> 
   public readonly int[] MinimumDistance; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Performs the Dijkstra algorithm on the data provided when the  
   /// <see cref="Dijkstra"/> object was instantiated. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="start"> 
   /// The node to use as a starting location. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// A struct containing both the minimum distance and minimum path 
   /// to every node from the given <paramref name="start"/> node. 
   /// </returns> 
   public virtual Results Perform(int start) 
   // Initialize the distance to every node from the starting node. 
   int[] d = GetStartingTraversalCost(start); 
   // Initialize best path to every node as from the starting node. 
   int[] p = GetStartingBestPath(start); 
   ICollection<int> c = GetChoices(); 
   c.Remove(start); // take starting node out of the list of choices 
   //Debug.WriteLine("Step v C D P"); 
   //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("init - {{{0}}} [{1}] [{2}]", 
   // ArrayToString<int>(",", c), ArrayToString<int>(",", d), ArrayToString<int>(",", p))); 
   //int step = 0; 
   // begin greedy loop 
   while (c.Count > 1) 
   // Find element v in c, that minimizes d[v] 
   int v = FindMinimizingDinC(d, c); 
   c.Remove(v); // remove v from the list of future solutions 
   // Consider all unselected nodes and consider their cost from v. 
   foreach (int w in (Hint != null ? Hint(v) : c)) 
   if (!c.Contains(w)) continue; // discard pixels not in c 
   // At this point, relative(Index) points to a candidate pixel,  
   // that has not yet been selected, and lies within our area of interest. 
   // Consider whether it is now within closer reach. 
   int cost = TraversalCost(v, w); 
   if (cost < int.MaxValue && d[v] + cost < d[w]) // don't let wrap-around negatives slip by 
   // We have found a better way to get at relative 
   d[w] = d[v] + cost; // record new distance 
   // Record how we came to this new pixel 
   p[w] = v; 
   //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{4} {3} {{{0}}} [{1}] [{2}]", 
   // ArrayToString<int>(",", c), ArrayToString<int>(",", d), ArrayToString<int>(",", p), v + 1, ++step)); 
   return new Results(p, d); 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Uses the Dijkstra algorithhm to find the minimum path 
   /// from one node to another. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="start"> 
   /// The node to use as a starting location. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="finish"> 
   /// The node to use as a finishing location. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// A struct containing both the minimum distance and minimum path 
   /// to every node from the given <paramref name="start"/> node. 
   /// </returns> 
   public virtual int[] GetMinimumPath(int start, int finish) 
   Results results = Perform(start); 
   return GetMinimumPath(start, finish, results.MinimumPath); 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Finds an array of nodes that provide the shortest path 
   /// from one given node to another. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="start"> 
   /// The starting node. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="finish"> 
   /// The finishing node. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="shortestPath"> 
   /// The P array of the completed algorithm. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The list of nodes that provide the one step at a time path  
   /// from <paramref name="start"/> to <paramref name="finish"/> nodes. 
   /// </returns> 
   protected virtual int[] GetMinimumPath(int start, int finish, int[] shortestPath) 
   Stack<int> path = new Stack<int>(); 
   finish = shortestPath[finish]; // step back one step toward the start point 
   while (finish != start); 
   return path.ToArray(); 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Initializes the P array for the algorithm. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="startingNode"> 
   /// The node that has been designated the starting node for the entire algorithm. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The new P array. 
   /// </returns> 
   /// <remarks> 
   /// A fresh P array will set every single node's source node to be  
   /// the starting node, including the starting node itself. 
   /// </remarks> 
   protected virtual int[] GetStartingBestPath(int startingNode) 
   int[] p = new int[TotalNodeCount]; 
   for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) 
   p[i] = startingNode; 
   return p; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Finds the yet-unconsidered node that has the least cost to reach. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="d"> 
   /// The cost of reaching any node. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <param name="c"> 
   /// The nodes that are still available for picking. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The node that is closest (has the shortest special path). 
   /// </returns> 
   protected virtual int FindMinimizingDinC(int[] d, ICollection<int> c) 
   int bestIndex = -1; 
   foreach (int ci in c) 
   if (bestIndex == -1 || d[ci] < d[bestIndex]) 
   bestIndex = ci; 
   return bestIndex; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Initializes an collection of all nodes not yet considered. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The initialized collection. 
   /// </returns> 
   protected virtual ICollection<int> GetChoices() 
   ICollection<int> choices = new List<int>(TotalNodeCount); 
   for (int i = 0; i < TotalNodeCount; i++) 
   return choices; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Initializes the D array for the start of the algorithm. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="start"> 
   /// The starting node. 
   /// </param> 
   /// <returns> 
   /// The contents of the new D array. 
   /// </returns> 
   /// <remarks> 
   /// The traversal cost for every node will be set to impossible 
   /// (int.MaxValue) unless a connecting edge is found between the 
   /// <paramref name="start"/>ing node and the node in question. 
   /// </remarks> 
   protected virtual int[] GetStartingTraversalCost(int start) 
   int[] subset = new int[TotalNodeCount]; 
   for (int i = 0; i < subset.Length; i++) 
   subset[i] = int.MaxValue; // all are unreachable 
   subset[start] = 0; // zero cost from start to start 
   foreach (int nearby in Hint(start)) 
   subset[nearby] = TraversalCost(start, nearby); 
   return subset; 
   /// <summary> 
   /// Joins the elements of an array into a string, using 
   /// a given separator. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <typeparam name="T">The type of element in the array.</typeparam> 
   /// <param name="separator">The seperator to insert between each element.</param> 
   /// <param name="array">The array.</param> 
   /// <returns>The resulting string.</returns> 
   /// <remarks> 
   /// This is very much like <see cref="string.Join"/>, except 
   /// that it works on arrays of non-strings. 
   /// </remarks> 
   protected string ArrayToString<T>(string separator, IEnumerable<int> array) 
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
   foreach (int t in array) 
   sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", t < int.MaxValue ? t + 1 : t, separator); 
   sb.Length -= separator.Length; 
   return sb.ToString(); 
The course I wrote this class for wanted me to add this algorithm to a simple graphics program that would "cut out" shapes using the shortest cost path. Here are the intelligent scissors that I wrote:
using System; 
  using System.Diagnostics; 
  using System.Collections.Generic; 
  using System.Drawing; 
  namespace VisualIntelligentScissors 
   public class DijkstraScissors : Scissors 
   public DijkstraScissors() { } 
   public DijkstraScissors(GrayBitmap image, Bitmap overlay) : base(image, overlay) { } 
   int[,] traversalCost; 
   Rectangle relevantRegion; 
   protected int relevantPixelsCount 
   get { return relevantRegion.Width * relevantRegion.Height; } 
   public override void Trace(IList<Point> points, Pen pen) 
   if (Image == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Set Image property first."); 
   using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Overlay)) 
   for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) 
   // Our segment travels from start to finish 
   Point start = points[i]; 
   Point finish = points[(i + 1) % points.Count]; 
   // Consider only some nearby region, to speed up processing. 
   relevantRegion = GetRelevantRegion(start, finish); 
   // Find the cost of moving to any pixel. 
   traversalCost = GetTraversalCost(); 
   // Calculate what the array indexes are for the two known pixels 
   int startIndex = GetArrayIndex(start); 
   int finishIndex = GetArrayIndex(finish); 
   Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra( 
   new Dijkstra.InternodeTraversalCost(getInternodeTraversalCost), 
   new Dijkstra.NearbyNodesHint(nearbyNodesHint) 
   int[] minimumPath = dijkstra.GetMinimumPath(startIndex, finishIndex); 
   // By now we should have found the best path between start and finish, 
   // considering all within the designated relevantRegion. 
   drawMinimumPath(minimumPath, pen.Color); 
   //g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Green, relevantRegion); 
   private void drawMinimumPath(int[] path, Color color) 
   // Show user goal point. 
   Point finish = GetPointFromArrayIndex(path[path.Length-1]); 
   Overlay.SetPixel(finish.X, finish.Y, color); 
   // Draw entire path 
   foreach (int index in path) 
   Point point = GetPointFromArrayIndex(index); 
   Overlay.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, color); 
   private Rectangle GetRelevantRegion(Point start, Point finish) 
   const int minimumSpace = 5; 
   const float expansion = 0.01F; 
   Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB( 
   Math.Min(start.X, finish.X), 
   Math.Min(start.Y, finish.Y), 
   Math.Max(start.X, finish.X), 
   Math.Max(start.Y, finish.Y) 
   rect.Inflate(Math.Max((int)(rect.Width * expansion), minimumSpace), 
   Math.Max((int)(rect.Height * expansion), minimumSpace)); 
   // Make sure our relevant region stays within the bounds or calculating a gradient. 
   rect.Intersect(Rectangle.FromLTRB(1, 1, Image.Bitmap.Width - 1, Image.Bitmap.Height - 1)); 
   Debug.Assert(rect.Contains(start), "Relevant region does not contain start point."); 
   Debug.Assert(rect.Contains(finish), "Relevant region does not contain finish point."); 
   return rect; 
   private int GetArrayIndex(Point point) 
   if (!relevantRegion.Contains(point)) return -1; 
   Point offset = point; 
   offset.Offset(-relevantRegion.X, -relevantRegion.Y); // remove effect of offset region 
   return offset.Y * relevantRegion.Width + offset.X; 
   private Point GetPointFromArrayIndex(int index) 
   Point point = new Point(index % relevantRegion.Width, index / relevantRegion.Width); 
   return point; 
   private int[] GetPixelWeights() 
   int[] weights = new int[relevantPixelsCount]; 
   for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++) 
   weights[i] = GetPixelWeight(GetPointFromArrayIndex(i)); 
   return weights; 
   const int maximumNearbyPositions = 4; 
   enum NearbyPosition : int 
   Above = 0, 
   private int GetNearbyPixel(int origin, NearbyPosition relative) 
   return GetArrayIndex(GetNearbyPixel(GetPointFromArrayIndex(origin), relative)); 
   private Point GetNearbyPixel(Point origin, NearbyPosition relative) 
   Point offset = origin; 
   switch (relative) 
   case NearbyPosition.Above: 
   offset.Offset(0, -1); 
   case NearbyPosition.Below: 
   offset.Offset(0, 1); 
   case NearbyPosition.Left: 
   offset.Offset(-1, 0); 
   case NearbyPosition.Right: 
   offset.Offset(1, 0); 
   throw new NotSupportedException(); 
   return offset; 
   private int GetRelativePosition(int start, int finish) 
   Point startPoint = GetPointFromArrayIndex(start); 
   Point finishPoint = GetPointFromArrayIndex(finish); 
   foreach (NearbyPosition position in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NearbyPosition))) 
   if (GetNearbyPixel(start, position) == finish) 
   return (int)position; 
   return -1; 
   private int[,] GetTraversalCost() 
   int[] weights = GetPixelWeights(); 
   int[,] cost = new int[relevantPixelsCount, maximumNearbyPositions]; 
   for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++) 
   Point origin = GetPointFromArrayIndex(i); 
   foreach (NearbyPosition relativePosition in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NearbyPosition))) 
   Point relative = GetNearbyPixel(origin, relativePosition); 
   if (relevantRegion.Contains(relative)) 
   int j = GetArrayIndex(relative); 
   cost[i, (int)relativePosition] = weights[j]; 
   return cost; 
   private IEnumerable<int> nearbyNodesHint(int startingNode) 
   List<int> nearbyNodes = new List<int>(maximumNearbyPositions); 
   foreach (NearbyPosition position in Enum.GetValues(typeof(NearbyPosition))) 
   nearbyNodes.Add(GetNearbyPixel(startingNode, position)); 
   return nearbyNodes; 
   private int getInternodeTraversalCost(int start, int finish) 
   int relativePosition = GetRelativePosition(start, finish); 
   if (relativePosition < 0) return int.MaxValue; 
   return traversalCost[start, relativePosition]; 
There are other dependencies not included here (such as the Scissors base class).  My purpose in this blog is to publish a generalized Dijkstra algorithm and give an example of how to use i