Friday, December 23, 2011

Computational economics lecture 16

Object-Oriented Programming in Python

The subject is large and complex
  • We will focus on the basics
  • The rest is up to you
Take a deep breath, because this lecture is not easy
At first glance the OOP techniques look complicated
But once you get used to it, usage is pretty simple
I talk a lot about how things work
  • Don't worry if you can't understand it all first time round
  • Just try to memorize the rules


Python supports both procedural and object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • In contrast
    • C is a procedural language
    • C++ is is C with OOP
    • Fortran and MATLAB are mainly procedural
      • Some OOP has been tacked on recently
    • JAVA is (relatively) pure OOP
Any task can be accomplished using the older procedural style
But OOP has become a central part of modern program design because
  • Design pattern fits well with the human brain
  • Facilitates clean, efficient code (when used well)
Fits well with mathematics because it encourages abstraction

Key Concepts

The procedural programming paradigm: based around functions (procedures)
  • The program has a state, which is the values of its variables
  • Functions are called to act on this data according to the task
  • Data is passed backwards and forwards via function calls
The OOP paradigm: data and functions bundled together into abstract data types (ADTs)
  • A list that stores numbers
    • the numbers are the data
  • And knows how to sort itself
    • the sorting function is part of the object
class definition is a blueprint for an ADT
  • Describes what kind of data it stores
  • What functions it has for acting on this data
    • Functions defined within classes are referred to as methods
An object or instance is one realization of the ADT
  • Created from the blueprint (i.e., class definition)
  • Typically has its own unique data
  • Use the methods defined in the class to act on that data
In Python
  • The data and methods of an object are collectively referred to as attributes
    • Accessed as or object.method_name()
  • Each instance object has it's own namespace to store its data
    • {'data': 42}


Let's try to clarify this with some examples

Example 1: Aquarium

Suppose we are developing an aquarium screensaver
  • Fish
  • Crabs
  • Seaweed
  • Bubbles, etc.
All of these can be represented in the program as objects
Class definitions specify what data and behavior (methods) they will have
Here's the psuedocode for a some class definitions
  • definition of Fish class
class Fish:


  • definition of Crab class
class Crab:


When the program starts, we instantiate (create instances of) fish, crabs, etc. from these definitions
  • These are the objects
Note that different instances can have different data
  • Small orange crab bottom left
  • Big blue fish in the middle
  • Small yellow fish top right
Here's the psuedocode for instantiation:
crab1 = Crab(small, orange, bottom_left)  # Create a Crab, passing instance data
fish1 = Fish(big, blue, middle)           # Create a Fish, passing instance data
fish2 = Fish(small, yellow, top_right)    # Create a Fish, passing instance data
Now the main loop calls the methods of the objects to make them swim, crawl, eat, etc.
Note that these methods may affect the internal data of the object
  • Swimming and crawling change the location

Example 2: Built-in ADTs

We have met several built-in types
Let's look at the case of lists
Given X = [1, 2], interpreter creates an instance of a list
  • Stores the data [1, 2] in memory
  • Recorded as an object of type list.
  • The identifier X is bound to this object
We know some methods that can act on this data
  • X.reverse() changes the data to [2, 1]
  • X.append('foo') changes it to [2, 1, 'foo']
In fact X[i] is a method call: equivalent to X.__getitem__(i)
>>> X = ['a', 'b']
>>> X[0]
>>> X.__getitem__(0)
The attributes of X are things that can be accessed via X.attribute_name
The dir() function returns the attribute names as a list:
>>> dir(X)
['__add__', '__class__', '__doc__', ..., 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort']

User-Defined ADTs

With Python, it is simple to build our own ADTs

Example: Dice

Let's build a class to represent dice
  • The current state: the side facing up
  • Roll: changes the state (side facing up)
class Dice:

        dots -- the side facing up (i.e., number of dots showing)

        roll -- roll the dice (i.e., change dots)
Here's the Python code, in file
import random

class Dice:

    def __init__(self, dots):
        self.dots = dots 

    def roll(self):
        self.dots = random.choice((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) 
The use of self is explained below
The class has two methods: __init__ and roll
The __init__ method is a constructor
  • Used to create instances (objects) from the class definition with their own data
The roll method rolls the dice, changing the state (data) of a particular instance

Class Objects

Let's run it:
john@c246:~$ python -i 
>>> Dice
<class '__main__.Dice'>
At this stage, the class definition has been compiled into a class object
  • A place where all the definitions in the class are stored
In particular, it has a namespace Dice.__dict__ where some names are bound
>>> print Dice.__dict__
{'__module__': '__main__',..., 'roll': <function roll at 0xb7cf4a3c>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0xb7cf47d4>}
>>> Dice.__init__   # This is the constructor method that we defined
<unbound method Dice.__init__>
>>> Dice.roll       # And the roll method that we defined
<unbound method Dice.roll>

Instance Objects

Now let's create an instance of the class
  • Done by calling the class name as if it were a function
>>> d1 = Dice(6)   # Create an instance, passing 6 to the instance variable dots
>>> d1
<__main__.Dice object at 0xb7da348c>
>>> d1.dots        # Accessing the instance data
>>> d1.__dict__    # Let's have a look at the namespace of d1
{'dots': 6}
Now let's roll the dice:
>>> d1.roll()
>>> d1.dots
The instance variable dots was changed by the call to roll()
Let's create some more instances
>>> d2 = Dice(3)
>>> d3 = Dice(1)
>>> d2.dots
>>> d3.dots
>>> d3.roll()
>>> d3.dots
All instance we create have their own namespace for instance data
How does it work?
Here's the code for roll()
    def roll(self):
        self.dots = random.choice((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) 
In fact, the call d1.roll() is equivalent to (an abbreviation for) the call Dice.roll(d1)
  • Calling method roll() defined in class object Dice with instance d1 as the argument
Therefore, when roll() executes, self is bound to d1
In this way, self.dots = random.choice((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) affects d1.dots, which is what we want
The formal rules for using self are (don't worry if you can't remember them all now):
  • Methods in the class definition must have self as the first argument
    • def roll(self), etc.
  • Instance attributes referenced inside the class definition must have the self prefix
    • self.dots = random.choice((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), etc.
  • When calling a method attribute, self is passed implicitly
    • d1.roll(), not d1.roll(d1)

Example: The Quadratic Map

The quadratic map difference equation is given by

Let's write a class for generating time series
class QuadMap:

    def __init__(self, initial_state):
        self.x = initial_state

    def update(self):
        "Apply the quadratic map to update the state."
        self.x = 4 * self.x * (1 - self.x)

    def generate_series(self, n): 
        Generate and return a trajectory of length n, starting at the 
        current state.
        trajectory = []
        for i in range(n):
        return trajectory
Notice the call self.update()
  • Not self.update(self), because self is passed implicitly
  • Not just update()
    • Because we are referencing an attribute of the instance self that was passed in to generate_series() as a parameter
Here's an example of usage:
>>> q = QuadMap(0.2)
>>> q.x
>>> q.update()  # Equivalent to QuadMap.update(q)
>>> q.x
>>> q.generate_series(5)  # The *second* parameter (i.e., n) in the method definition is bound to 5
[0.64000000000000012, 0.92159999999999986, 0.28901376000000045, 0.82193922612265036, 0.58542053873419597]
>>> q.x = 0.4  # Reset the state to 0.4
>>> q.generate_series(5)
[0.40000000000000002, 0.95999999999999996, 0.15360000000000013, 0.52002816000000029, 0.9983954912280576]

Example: A Class for Polynomials

Let's build a simple class to represent and manipulate polynomial functions.
Data is the coefficients, which define a unique polynomial

Two methods
  • Evaluate the polynomial, returning p(x) for any x
  • Differentiate the polynomial, replacing original coefficients with those of p'
## Filename:
## Author: John Stachurski

class Polynomial:

    def __init__(self, coefficients):
        Creates an instance of the Polynomial class representing 
        p(x) = a_0 x^0 + ... + a_N x^N, where a_i = coefficients[i].
        self.coefficients = coefficients

    def evaluate(self, x):
        y = 0
        for i, a in enumerate(self.coefficients):
            y += a * x**i  
        return y

    def differentiate(self):
        new_coefficients = []
        for i, a in enumerate(self.coefficients):
            new_coefficients.append(i * a)
        # Remove the first element, which is zero
        del new_coefficients[0]  
        # And reset coefficients data to new values
        self.coefficients = new_coefficients
Here's an example of usage
>>> from polyclass import Polynomial
>>> data = [2, 1, 3]
>>> p = Polynomial(data)  # create instance of Polynomial
>>> p.evaluate(1)         
>>> p.coefficients        
[2, 1, 3]
>>> p.differentiate()     # Modifies coefficients of p
>>> p.coefficients        
[1, 6]
>>> p.evaluate(1)         
Note: if we replace evaluate with __call__ then
>>> p.__call__(1) == p(1)
This is an example of a special method


Recall the empirical distribution function

The fraction of the sample which falls below x
Glivenko--Cantelli Theorem: converges to the true distribution function F
Implement as a class, where
  • A given sample is the data for an instance
  • The __call__ method evaluates Fn(x) for any x
Example of usage
>>> from random import uniform
>>> samples = [uniform(0, 1) for i in range(10)]
>>> F = ecdf(samples)
>>> F(0.5)  
>>> 0.29
>>> F.observations = [uniform(0, 1) for i in range(1000)]
>>> F(0.5)  
>>> 0.479


## Filename:
## Author: John Stachurski

class ECDF:

    def __init__(self, observations):
        self.observations = observations

    def __call__(self, x):
        counter = 0.0
        for obs in self.observations:
            if obs <= x:
                counter += 1
        return counter / len(self.observations)